The Threshers are Back
SI had the opportunity to run the Tail Chaser, a 41 Viking, out of Oceanside the last few weeks in search of the first Thresher flag for the Oceanside Anglers Club as well as the Oceanside Anglers Club Thresher Shark Tournament. On my birthday, April 30th (hint, hint), I was fortunate enough to take the owner, Jim Dragoo ... More
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Go Long or
Go Home
Southern California has long been recognized as the long range sport fishing capital of the world. Once these pioneers discovered the great fishing... More

Fishing Catalina with Friends
I know I am about to sound like a Gulp! commercial but it is the truth. Myself and two other buddies made our way to Catalina Island on Tuesday, March 31, 2009, for a couple of days of white seabass fishing.... More

Going Down
The trip down the coast to Cabo San Lucas should be experienced by everyone before they die. ...More

The Glamour of the Deck
The glamour of working the deck in a marlin tournament is all about the parties and going out with your buddies for a good time right? ...More